Free Sound Effects offers free sound clips for download in either wav or mp3 format. We have free and royalty free sound effects and clips for video editors, movie scores, game designers, and weekend sound warriors. Downloads are totally free, and upfront with large download buttons to prevent confusion.
Attribution 3.0
Automatic Machine Gun 3x
High caliber machine gun automatic fire 3 times. Great for war or battle sequences. Gun has some bass for extra kick sounds.
Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
American Woodcock
The American Woodcock Scolopax minor is a small chunky shorebird species from North America. It is popularly known as timberdoodle and a well-known game bird. Field recording Tony Phillips.
Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Semipalmated Sandpiper field recording recorded by Tony Phillips. The Semipalmated Sandpiper, Calidris pusilla, is a very small shorebird. It is sometimes separated with other stints in Erolia but although these apparently form a monophyletic group, the present species old genus Ereunetes had been proposed before Erolia.
Attribution 3.0
Buzz Fade Out
Great clean buzz fading out sound generated by tone repetition.
Attribution 3.0
Mallard Duck 2
Another mallard duck calling out on a pond. Mallard duck field recordings by Tony Phillips.
Sampling Plus 1.0
Knocking On Door
Sound of someone knocking on a door. Knock on door sound effect was requested by Annah. Thanks Annah for the request. 3 knocks followed by 2 more knocks.
Attribution 3.0
CD Skipping
That annoying sound that a cd makes when it skips. Great for skips, glitches, glitching, errors, and similar mishaps.
Attr-Noncom 3.0 Unported
Pair Of Laughing Gulls
Nice Pair of Laughing Gulls or Larus Atricilla recorded near water. 2 birds call separate and then together. Field recording of these birds by Tony Phillips in Chatham, Massachusetts, April 2002
Attribution 3.0
Robot Machine
Industrial robot moves material and then pounds the heck out of it. Great for am industrial or manufacturing setting.