Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
City Traffic And Construction
City traffic and construction sounds from busy intersection in kill Devil Hills North Carolina

Attribution 3.0
Cargo Plane Ambiance
Cargo plane ambiance from cockpit. Great for a plane or pilot scene.

Attribution 3.0
Girl Says Daddy
My little girl saying Daddy. Its music to my ears. :) Ver cute kids voice.

Personal Use Only
Crowd Boo 5
5th Crowd booing sound effect. They are unhappy with something it seems.

Personal Use Only
Laugh And Applause
Laugh and Applause sounds for whatever the occasion.

Personal Use Only
Explosion 4
Explosion or exploding sound number 4 effect for destruction or war scene

Personal Use Only
Chewbacca Wookie Noise
Chewbacca the famous Wookie Noise. Since this is from star wars it is 100% for personal use only.

Personal Use Only
Explosion or exploding sound effect for destruction or war scene