Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Personal Use Only
Grenade Launcher
Grenade launcher shooting 2 grenades great battle sound

Public Domain
Riding NYC Subway Car
Riding on NYC Subway Car going over bumps great city ambience

Public Domain
Winston Churchill Nazi Speech
Winston Churchill speech audio speaking about Nazi Germany

Attribution 3.0
Single Water Droplet
Single Water Drop. Sounds like its recorded with slow motion camera.

Attribution 3.0
Backwards Souls
Souls traveling backwards through time. Yep thats what this sounds like to me. Whats it sound like to you?

Attribution 3.0
Spooky Heart Beats
Heart beating with a bunch of reverb, makes this sound real spooky.

Attribution 3.0
Spooky Water Drops
Frekin spooky water drops in some abandoned cathedral scary as hell

Attribution 3.0
Real Heart Beat
Very real and deep sounding heartbeat sound. Took a beating heart sound and made pitched it down to make it sound more movie like

Attribution 3.0
Water Droplet
1 large water droplet created by slowing down the speed and lowering the pitch of a smaller water drip sound