Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Motor Bike Fart
Just like the title says this fart sounds like a motor bike. This guy is just putting along. You can almost taste this one. Hehehe

Attribution 3.0
Urban Traffic
Some medium traffic driving by. A few cars, suvs, and even some large dump trucks. Pretty good quality audio. Recorded in Manteo NC

Attribution 3.0
Machine Gun
A military grade machine gun firing 15 times in rapid succession.

Attribution 3.0
Manly Burp
A very manly deep and sputtering male burp! Sounds like this guy just chugged a beer and crushed the can on his head.

Attribution 3.0
Please Open The Door Loud
A woman or female talking asking someone to open the door. This one is more demanding than the last. Requested by somnath

Attribution 3.0
Please Open The Door
A woman or female talking asking someone to open the door. Requested by somnath

Attribution 3.0
Windy wind blowing 3 or howling slightly. A great nature sound requested by manoj sharma.

Attribution 3.0
Wind blowing 2 or howling slightly. A great nature sound requested by manoj sharma.