Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Wind Blowing
Wind blowing or howling slightly. A great nature sound requested by manoj sharma.

Attribution 3.0
Snow or snowing sound effect. snowflakes hitting the ground sound. Requested by Caroline Ford from TuxPaint

Attribution 3.0
Snow Ball Throw And Splat
Snow Ball Throw and Splat sound. Requested by Caroline Ford from TuxPaint

Attribution 3.0
Snow Ball
Packing a Snow Ball Through and Splat. Requested by Caroline Ford from TuxPaint

Attribution 3.0
Little Girl Sigh
Little girl sighing sound effect,or sigh of a little girl. This sound was requested by July.

Attribution 3.0
Flapping Wings 3
Flapping Wings 3 or fluttering sound effect. Fairy, bird or dragon wings. Requested by Tracey

Attribution 3.0
Flapping Wings
Flapping Wings 2 or fluttering sound effect. Fairy, bird or dragon wings. Requested by Tracey

Attribution 3.0
Wings Flapping
Wings flapping or fluttering sound effect. Fairy, bird or dragon wings. Requested by Tracey

Attribution 3.0
Some guy in my neighborhood was chopping up some trees from a recent storm so i figured i would record it.