Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Water Droplet
1 large water droplet created by slowing down the speed and lowering the pitch of a smaller water drip sound

Attribution 3.0
38 Caliber Gun Shot 5x
Sounds of a 38 caliber pistol being shot 55 times in succession.

Attribution 3.0
50 Caliber Machine Gun
50 caliber machine gun fires 8 rounds a shooting range. Great for a battle scene

Attribution 3.0
Water Down Drain
Water from sink draining into pipes, from my kitchen at home.

Attribution 3.0
Of Suspense
You know that sound right before something happens? This is that sound. Very suspenseful

Attribution 3.0
Dying Soul
A great wicked sound for death, souls, ghost, spooks, or just any scene with death or distruction.

Attribution 3.0
Tearing Flesh And Bone
Tearing flesh and bone sound great for flesh ripping and dismemberment. Made by stretching rubber therapy band

Attribution 3.0
Alien Creatures
Alien creature flying creature like sound made by recording my whistles into an answering machine for feedback.

Attribution 3.0
Crickets At Night
A nice little recording of crickets at night recorded in my backyard with my handy dandy Zoom H4