Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Bookmark this page (Ctrl+D).
Attribution 3.0
Spray Bottle Of Water
Spraying water or spray bottle and recording the mist spray

Attribution 3.0
Medicine Bottle Shaking
Me shaking a bottle of Tylenol in our medicine cabinet. Could almost be trimmed and used as a shaker of some sort.

Attribution 3.0
Heavy Sigh
Me making a sighing sound, im obviously not impressed with what is going on at the moment.

Attribution 3.0
Me Burping A Decent Burp
Me belching or burping into my zoom h4 handy recorder. I can do better

Attribution 3.0
Lightning Strike Summer Storm
A nice lightning strike during a recent storm at our house. Very crisp and clear.

Attribution 3.0
Kid Talking About Spongebob
My little girl wanting to watch Spongebob on the tv or tele really a cute sound clip.

Attribution 3.0
Chain Fence Jump
Me jumping over a chain fence in our yard. Great for escape or chase scenes

Attribution 3.0
Home Phone Ringing
Our home phone ringing we are in the US so its a united states phone

Attribution 3.0
Glass Cookie Jar
Me adjusting the lid on our glass cookie jar in our kitchen